3 Ways To Improve Your Self-Being During the Pandemic (Ep. 10)
COVID-19 has forced us to adapt to major changes in social norms, financial markets, the workplace, school and, of course, at home.
It’s more important than ever for us to take care of ourselves.
Today, Jeff Green and Lauren Smith share what they’re doing on a daily basis to make it through the pandemic. Do you know the three main things that you can work on to improve your self-being? You’re about to find out!
In this episode, you will learn:
- What daily routine Jeff gave up to improve his mental diet
- Which book has drastically changed Lauren’s and Jeff’s outlook on their business
- Similarities between the 2008 financial crisis and the current situation
- The three focal points of an improved self-being
- How improving yourself can impact those around you
- The importance of moderation
- And more!
Tune in now to hear what self-improvement strategies Jeff and Lauren recommend!
Resources: Green Financial Group: (713) 244-3030 | The 4-Hour Workweek